About Us
At Sandia Dermatology, we are committed to excellence. We are excited to serve you, your family, and the greater New Mexico community. Please let us know what we can do to deliver a great experience.
For initial medical consultation, visits range from $200 - $250 depending upon complexity.
For follow-ups, visits range from $100 - $200 depending upon complexity
We are located at the corner of Louisiana Blvd NE and Holly Ave NE, in the Sedona Pointe Office Complex. This is one block north of the intersection of Paseo del Norte and Louisiana Blvd NE. Within the complex, the office is at the SW corner (closest to Louisiana and Holly).
Before and After
Before and after photos are not kept on the website as they are easily screenshotted from the internet
Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact the office if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Prior to your appointment, you will be sent an "EZ link". This contains all consents and allows you to enter all your relevant information securely from the comfort of your own home. When you arrive for your appointment, you are already checked in and ready to go.
If you would like, you are welcome to bring past records or send a PDF of past records; we are happy to review them. If you have a new issue to address, there is no need for past records.
You will need to verify your email address via the link sent to you.
Current over-the-counter, topical, or oral prescriptions for the conditions you are addressing at that visit are helpful.
If you choose to wear makeup, bring your makeup with you, just not on your face. Makeup obscures the skin and can interfere with an optimal exam. A gently cleansed face is ideal. There are plenty of mirrors available for you to apply your makeup at the end of your appointment.
And always bring an open mind!
Responding to patient communications quickly and thoroughly is a priority for us. We know how many open lines of contact matter to you. We use the Spruce platform to achieve this. You can call, text, and even conduct teledermatology visits. Everything stored at our end is HIPAA-compliant. Simply text from your phone as you would a family member. If you would like encryption at your end, the Spruce App is a free download. We understand that most people do not want additional apps on their phones, so we do not require it for routine conversations. The choice is yours. Only for digital transmission of images or videos, we do require app usage.
Yes, appointments are offered for existing, not new, patients with deposits.
We accept credit cards, debit cards, and checks. We do not accept cash.
Credit and debit cards are processed with associated fees for patients, in compliance with processor regulations.
To pay without fees, personal checks and Zelle payments (available at over 1,800 financial institutions and likely your bank) are accepted.
Third-party financing is also available.
One of the advantages of direct pay care is being able to arrange the care by your own rules. Currently, only some private insurance covers teledermatology. Sometimes you may want services but may not be able to make it to the office due to illness, work, or other scheduling conflicts. Being able to have greater access to care is a major convenience.
Medicare has announced it will continue to cover outpatient visits through the end of 2024.